Cowboy Song
Guitar Pro Tab | v5.00
| Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 5:05 p.m.
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Guitar Pro Tab Summary
Song Author
Philip Lynott & Brian Downey
File Size
93 KB
I am just a cow- boy. Lone- some on the trail. The star-ry night, the camp-fire light. The coy-o- te call, and the how- lin' winds wail. So I'll ride out to the old sun-down. I am just a cow-boy. Lone- some on the trail. Lord, I'm just thin-kin' 'bout a cer-tain fe-male. The nights we spent to-ge-ther, ri- din' on the range. Loo-kin' back, it seems so strange. Roll me o-ver and turn me a-round. Let me keep spin-nin' till I hit the ground. Roll me o- ver and let me go. Rock me in the ro-de-o. I was took in Tex-as. I did not know her name. Lord, all these sou-thern girls, they seem the same. Down be-low the bor-der, in a town in Mex-i-co. I got my job bus-tin' broncs for the ro-de-o. Roll me o-ver and turn me a-round. Let me keep spin-nin' till I hit the ground. Roll me o-ver and let me go. Run-nin' free with the buf-fa-lo. Here I go! Roll me o-ver and I'll turn a-round. And I'll move my fin-gers up and down, up and down. Ooh! It's o-kay a-mi-go, just let me go, ri-din' in the ro-de-o. Roll me o-ver and turn me a-round. Let me keep spin-nin' till I hit the ground. Roll me o-ver and let me go. Rock me in the ro-de-o. Roll me o- ver and set me free. The cow-boy's life is the life for me.